Smoky Quartz Faceted Ring
Smoky Quartz links with the Earth stimulating concern for the environment and inspiring ecological solutions. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics. It is invaluable in layouts for environmental healing, and assists elimination and detoxification on all levels, ushering in positive energy in its place.
An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Keep one in a purse, a bag in the glove box or near valuables, especially if left unattended for long periods of time. As a driving crystal, Smoky Quartz protects against road rage and other harm while driving on motorways, on long journeys or in heavy traffic by reducing stress and increasing concentration. It also shields against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.
Wear or carry Smoky Quartz to enhance survival instincts, and for assistance in reaching personal and business goals, as well as manifesting dreams and ideas into reality. This crystal promotes rational, pragmatic thought processes and improves calculation and organization. It increases focus and may be used in group situations to alleviate communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation.
Smoky Quartz is a remarkable aid for quitting smoking, gradually reducing the urge to smoke, as well as softening the anger and agitation associated with nicotine withdrawal and the detoxification process.
Smoky Quartz allows one to attune to the light instead of being consumed by life. Rather than merely surfacing negative energies and emotional blockages, this crystal gently dissolves these energies as it encounters them, allowing positive frequencies to take their place. It relieves fear, stress, anger and unspoken resentment, lifts depression and fatigue, and teaches one how to let go of what is no longer necessary for growth. It is a good stone for those who tend to be suicidal in nature or ambivalent about being in incarnation, by helping them come to terms with their physical body, their life and the world around them. Smoky Quartz brings assistance in tolerating difficult times with equanimity and resolve, and inspires one to be more engaged in the world. It lends the power to create and change one’s reality and to manifest one’s dreams.
Providing a protective barrier of energy around the user, Smoky Quartz offers exceptional grounding and stability when working in the higher realms, helping one to receive and utilize more high-frequency Light energy. It is a remarkable tool for focused prayer and deep meditation, spiritual ceremonies and rituals, as well as strengthening the link of communication when contacting other worlds. It may also be used as a psychopomp for guiding souls to the other side.
Smoky Quartz also has a propensity for enticing the ethereal into manifestation. While wearing or carrying Smoky Quartz, one may be more apt to observe phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs, fairies or spirit guides. Unlike situations where one’s vibration is raised to a higher level of perceptual ability, Smoky Quartz draws the entities or phenomena into one’s auric field and down to one’s level of perception.
This ring is adjustable, just mould it to the shape of your chosen finger. One size will fit all.