Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earths grounding energies. It's cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source and stabilising the aura. It will calm the nerves, helping restore balance.
This crystal is great for meditation as it helps clear the mind. Its high spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long ceremonies or practices, and is helpful in establishing new spiritual disciplines. Red Jasper is a fantastic crystal for Shamanic journeying and astral travel, as well as providing vivd dream recall. A crystal of protection, it guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep in the car to prevent against accidents, theft and road rage.
Red Jasper is also a crystal of passion and a token of all consummate love. It encourages control in all things and thus calms sexual aggressiveness, promotes sexual compatibility and enhances tantric sex. Red Jasper may assist women in overcoming a jealous love rivalry or unfair opposition to a relationship. It has history of being used to increase libido and fertility.
Red Jasper is a crystal of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence.
Red Jasper is a highly protective stone known for guarding against all kinds of threats. This was why it was such a popular crystal for warriors or those on the battlefields. Not only does it ward off danger, not to mention electromagnetic smog and pollution, but it is known for keeping the blood circulatory system strong and the body in a constant state of detox.
Whether you tend to be shy when it comes to sexual encounters or even overaggressive – Red Jasper can be used across the board to help heal sexual issues in couples and individuals. It enhances the power of tantra, it promotes sexual interest and compatibility with your partner, and it stirs up individual stimulation leading to creative courage, a fiery passion, and a healthy attitude towards sex.
Also known as The Endurance Stone, Red Jasper invites you to keep your focus and strength regardless of whatever task you are doing, especially during times of stress. For those who feel as though their mind and energy can flit out of focus, Red Jasper can bring you back. It is an exceptional tool for using as part of your meditation practice as alongside inviting endurance in difficult situations it has strong spiritual properties too.
If you are crawling out of a chaotic time in your life, Red Jasper can be used as part of the divine healing process. It’s a stone that is deeply connected to the roots, meaning that it tethers you to the earth beneath your feet, giving you the strength to stand strong as you renew and revitalize your soul. If there was ever a time to feel a new lease of life, Red Jasper works as the calendar turn.
If you feel like you go through life a little on the numb side, struggling to spark creativity and stoke your inner fire of self-confidence, then Red Jasper can help to raise your personal passion levels. Passion applies to everything, not just what goes on between the sheets. We need passion to live fulfilling lives; whether this is passion and zest for personal relationships, for the work we do, the travels we take, or the ways we choose to spend our time. Red Jasper can reignite the spark in your life and gift you emotional stability.
Red Jasper is connected to the base chakras which is why it holds such strong protective properties. It helps us to feel grounded in this world and has an uncanny ability to stir up our life force by shaking stagnant energy out from all of our energy points – from the Sacral Chakra to the Heart Chakra. Along with boosting our life force energy, Red Jasper is also known for rousing your kundalini serpent. The kundalini serpent speaks to the energy that sits at the base of our spine. When roused from slumber, this energy can cause spirals up through our body and lead to deep spiritual awakenings.
If you find it tough to stand your ground or face up to things that take courage and power, then Red Jasper can gift you that fire in your belly. This is a stone that brings to light your inner power which is why it’s such a good choice for those with challenges to face.