Lapis is an excellent stone for executives, journalists, and psychologists, stimulating wisdom and good judgment in the practical world. It aids intellectual analysis in archeologists and historians, problem-solving for lawyers, and creates new ideas for inventors and writers.
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory.
A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, and in the spoken and written word. Wear it for all forms of deep communication. It is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony to relationships. A Lapis grid brings calm and loving communication for a home with temperamental teenagers, or children with Asperger’s syndrome, autism, or attention-deficit disorder.
For fame in a creative or public performance-related area, wear or carry Lapis Lazuli to auditions. In the workplace, it attracts promotion, success, and lasting recognition in your field.
Lapis Lazuli healing properties can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and issues. It has healing powers to help with physical ailments and emotional issues. It is also used in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Lapis Lazuli crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the throat, revealing truth, and balancing the Throat Chakra. The therapeutic uses of Lapis Lazuli have a long and well-documented history. Meditation with Lapis Lazuli can bring higher awareness.
Lapis Lazuli is beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal cords and helps regulate the endocrine and thyroid glands. It overcomes hearing loss and other problems with ear and nasal passages. Lapis Lazuli enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm. It reduces vertigo, lowers blood pressure, and may alleviate insomnia.
Relieve oozing or septic sties and other eye infections by rubbing the area with a piece of Lapis heated in warm water. Once cooled, the water can then be used for an eye bath. A Lapis heated in sunlight reduces bruising and is helpful for skin problems and insect bites.
Lapis is beneficial for women suffering from menstrual irregularities and relieves cramps, stiffness, and lumbago. Lapis Lazuli relieves general pain and inflammations and is especially effective against migraine headaches. It aids the nervous system and brain disorders and is believed to help with attention deficit disorder, autism, and Asperger’s syndrome.
Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of truth in all aspects. It reveals inner truth and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It provides for the relief of things that may have been suppressed and allows for them to surface; helping to diminish uncomfortable feelings or repressed anger, and allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising.
Lapis encourages dignity in friendship and social ability. It encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion, and uprightness when dealing with others. It provides an awareness of one's motivations and beliefs and gives a clearer perspective of one's whole life. It reveals not only one's limitations, but the opportunities for growth and to utilize one's gifts and abilities.
Lapis Lazuli is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man; used by healers, priests, and royalty, for power, wisdom, and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. It represents universal truth.
Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Placed over the Third Eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work.
Lapis Lazuli permits spiritual journeying and tapping into personal and spiritual power. It provides a connection with dream forces that are working to both guide and counsel during altered states. As a protection crystal, Lapis Lazuli recognizes a psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source.
Lapis Lazuli's dark blue energy is perfect for enhancing respect and compassion in ourselves. Dark blue crystals teach us humanity, discretion, and honor. They help us act more charitably, and focus our efforts on service to others. They teach us grace, sensitivity to the needs of others, and tenderness in our dealings.