The Obsidian crystal properties are known for their stabilizing and grounding effects, making it an excellent crystal for reigning in scattered energies. Through its connection to the root chakra, the energy center that governs our sense of security and foundation, the healing properties of Obsidian can support intentions related to energetic protection and energetic stability.
The Obsidian stone also makes a trusted companion to carry with you during a healing process, especially one that unfolds over time. The properties of the Obsidian meaning give us the strength and patience needed to overcome challenges, no matter how long the journey takes.
The Obsidian crystal meaning for healing is strengthened by the reflective nature of this stone. What does Black Obsidian do? Like a mirror, Obsidian helps you to see the parts of yourself that you may shy away from. Through this honest evaluation and self-reflection with the support of the Obsidian meaning, you can identify and release these negative energies.
The Black Obsidian spiritual meaning is linked with the concept of darkness, and just like our ever-spinning planet and its phases of night and day, the human soul also contains elements of light and dark. So what is Obsidian good for and what does Obsidian crystal do? A powerful protection stone, the Obsidian crystal meaning helps you identify your dark shadow side so that its healing properties can clear it away from your psyche. Instead of hiding from darker energies, the Black Obsidian metaphysical properties shine a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading toward light and love.
Because of its reflective nature and protective energy, as well as the wide array of variations, Obsidian crystals are well suited to a variety of intentions ranging from protecting your spirit to deeper energetic healing and self-discovery. Whether you meditate with the stone, place it in your space, or carry it with you as an energetic bodyguard, the Black Obsidian crystal benefits are highly effective.
Black Obsidian is a protective stone for anyone who is actively experiencing shock or trauma. It helps us see the truth of situations and to purify ourselves after pain and suffering. It is particularly useful for anyone who is actively choosing to move past patterns of self-abuse and toward becoming more loving and kind. However, care should be taken to avoid Black Obsidian if one is suffering from chronic depression as this stone may add additional “heaviness.”
Black Obsidian helps us to see the truth in situations and to change restricting beliefs and behavioral patterns. It helps us sharpen our senses and intellect, and may additionally reveal gifts for true prophecy. Anyone who is engaged in active or continuous “problem solving mode,” will benefit from keeping a piece of Obsidian nearby. Black Obsidian is especially helpful for dissecting beliefs and habits that have been passed down to us by our families, allowing us to decide for ourselves whether these ideas are true and useful.
Black Obsidian is a powerful shamanic tool that has been used for centuries to “cut away” diseases and disorders trapped in the physical and etheric bodies. For most people, however, it is more useful as a talisman for grounding back into the body. It pushes us to think very practically rather than emotionally. It is an ideal stone when faced with an emotionally-intense situation, it helps us accept what is happened, prioritize what needs to happen next, and to get it done. Black Obsidian is also recommended for anyone who has a history for self-harming. The urge to self-harm is often linked to mental distress and the immense desire to find relief. Black Obsidian supports us when we are feeling overwhelmed with pain, it offers comfort and encourages us to behave in a healthy way, even though our instinct might be to turn destructive. Black Obsidian bluntly tells us that we don’t have to suffer alone or in silence. There is help out there, so be brave and reach out.